Administer Pre-test ACT Exams & Provide Question Analysis Reports

We propose providing two full length practice ACT Tests for all high school junior students. A fall test would serve as a pre-test and a spring test as a post-test. We will provide several detailed reports, including individual score reports for students, and detailed question analysis reports for school level teachers and staff. These reports will be provided within one week of the test administration date. The tests used will be official ACT tests, purchased directly from the ACT organization, as these are the only tests containing authentic ACT questions.
Professional Development for Staff and Teachers: Using ACT Data to Drive Instruction Workshop

After we give a practice ACT test to a group of students in a school, we offer the opportunity to conduct a professional development workshop with the teachers and staff to discuss the test results and potential action plans going forward. Each of the participants will receive a copy of the test booklet, overall student scores and averages, and detailed student response and analysis reports. For example, English teachers will see what percentage of students selected each available response for each question in the ACT English section. This knowledge will allow teachers to not only steer students TOWARDS the correct response, but to steer them AWAY from the ‘traps’ that lead them to the wrong responses.
ACT Preparation Course

JT Campbell Consulting offers ACT test preparation courses to high school students. During our 7-session course, students learn specific ACT strategies and complete two full ACT exams. Emphasis will be placed on the development of skills and strategies necessary to maximize the students’ scores on the test. The dates and times of the classes are generally on weekday evenings during after school hours. Each session is 2.5 hours long; with exam days being 3 hours long to accommodate the test.